Swimming (Outdoor)
TV Room
Providing a safe and relaxing holiday experience in a relaxing park-like setting
Cater for individuals, social and community groups including schools and family groups of all ages
Site established as a private estate early in the 19th Century. A feature of the property is its park like setting bounded by Spring Creek and several specimen trees. A flour mill was established on the site powered by water from the creek. Regrettably the only remaining building from the original complex fell into such a state of disrepair that it became unsafe and had to be demolished in 2006.
A character two storey bay villa remains a feature of the site and many of its original features have been retained. This house, referred to as the Homestead, will be progressively restored over the next several years
In April 2006 Spring Creek was purchased as a going concern by AWF Group Ltd, and also to accommodate seasonal workers working in local vineyards during the winter pruning season.